Get Best Direct TV Services Provider

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My brother just moved to San Jose, California. He lives in a new house that just bought before his moving. In his small and simple house, there is no many electronic equipment that are available, only a refrigerator, AC, and of course television.

He lives alone, and of course needs entertainment in the home, nothing else but television. He is still confused whether to buy cable TV or Direct TV. He was looking for reference about cable TV and find that the monthly cost was very expensive. It spend about $ 120 to get all the facilities. It's too expensive for him. Then he found that the Satellite Directtv requires a more affordable cost. After calculated and compared Direct TV with cable TV, using Direct TV is saving about $ 40.

Using Direct TV, he can select the most appropriate service with his interest freely. He choose some favourite sport, movie, and international news channels. With this self choice facilities, he does not need to pay what he does not want. He is now happy and recommend to use DirectTV services.

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  1. my tv is TV-Cable, because if my tv without cable is death

  2. ohh i get free pertamaxxx

  3. bentar aku buka google translate duluu yahhh :f:

  4. kalo mau tv yang ada antenanya, brarti pake yang cable ato direct ya? xixixi..

  5. aduh aku ora ngerti, bahasaNya jelimettt... :p

  6. @om agus:layar tancep aja om
    @polar: itu bahasa sansekerta
    @dinoe:yoe kekekekke
    @melyn:ndak tahu juga aku nyontek ixiixixix
    @gondes: heleh
    @buwel:opone jal :f:
    @ciwir:wekekekekkeke same with my TV om...

  7. Keren ya Mbak Direct TV nya.

  8. halah..
    ternyata repiyu berlaku juga nang kene

  9. halaaah kemakan omongan dirimu sendiri ya bong " dibayar buat ekting jadi orang inggris trus posting sok inggris" weekekekke. jadi inget sama tawaran di RM.. sek sek tak ke tkp semoga belom telat *meluncuuuurr

  10. $40 = Rp400.000

    sama aja mahal, bong! :n:

  11. Aku ra seneng nonton TV.

    Aku mung kepingin dolan sore-sore.

  12. wow... iki keyworde perang karo review direct tivi weanku.. hohoho...

    keyworde podo, tapi linke bedo..

  13. ha ha ha ha ikut merambah bisnis review non? mantap...

  14. wow..sis...ngejos review nih!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ck ck ck ck...dollar ngalir terus nih....


  15. TVRI masuk gak yaahhhh di san hose....

  16. weh... thanks untuk kabar yang bagus ini bong...

  17. Indonesia pakai jaringannya first media, selain TV juga bisa buat ngenet...

  18. klo tv kabel tuh, biayanya yg mahal..T_T
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